Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) Releases Revised Shortlisting Result for Assistant Professor (Botany) Selection-2021

By | 16/10/2024

The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC), Haridwar, has announced the revised shortlisting result for the Assistant Professor (Government College) Selection-2021 in the Botany subject. The result has been updated following the scrutiny of documents submitted by successful candidates by March 18, 2024, and July 8, 2024. Based on the previous results announced on March 4, 2024, and June 21, 2024, the Commission has released the ineligible list, preferential qualification list, and rejected candidature list, now available on the official UKPSC website psc.uk.gov.in.

Reason for the Revised Result

The revised shortlisting result was necessary after reviewing the documents submitted by candidates who had passed the initial stages of the Assistant Professor (Botany) selection process. UKPSC had initially declared the result in two phases, but further scrutiny revealed the need to update the eligibility status and qualifications of candidates.

Revised Shortlisting Categories

The revised result includes the following categories:

  • Ineligible Candidates List: Candidates who did not meet the required eligibility criteria.
  • Preferential Qualification List: Candidates who possessed additional qualifications or specific preferences as per the job requirements.
  • Rejected Candidature List: Candidates whose applications were rejected during the review process.

Deadline for Document Submission

Candidates who appear in the ineligible list or preferential qualification list are allowed to submit their supporting documents to the Commission by October 31, 2024 (Thursday). They have 15 days from the release of the revised result to present their representations and supporting evidence regarding their disqualification. After this deadline, no further documents or representations will be entertained by the Commission.

Important Instructions for Candidates

  • Candidates will not receive any individual notifications by post.
  • It is mandatory for all candidates to regularly check the UKPSC official website psc.uk.gov.in for updates and information regarding the selection process.
  • Candidates must ensure they submit their documents and representations within the specified timeline to avoid rejection.

Final Notice

The UKPSC’s release of the revised shortlisting result for the Assistant Professor (Botany) subject selection underlines the Commission’s efforts to ensure fairness in the selection process. All candidates are urged to submit their documents within the deadline and to follow the instructions provided on the official website. Failure to comply with the deadline or provide the necessary documents may result in disqualification.

Official Website: psc.uk.gov.indownload official notification

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